Free Reading Highlighters

How do you keep track of the line you are working while reading a pattern? I have tried sticky notes, using a highlighter, washi tape, pretty much everything. I was perusing the stationary section in a local store this weekend, and happened upon a 10 pack of reading highlighters. Enter your email address and I will contact you and put one in the mal for you!


Coupon Code Alert!

Hello all! We are almost finished with this week, and you know what that means….weekend knitting!!! I get a large portion of my knitting done while my hubby binges netflix and the kids are spending time on their video games. This weekend will be no different.

If you need some inspo or beautiful yarn for that special sweater or shawl you have been dreaming about, head over and visit Chandi at Expression Fiber Arts. She always has the most gorgeous colorways ready tobe drooled over, and she has been kind enough to offer us a special discount code that will work through the end of 2018. At checkout, use HAPPY10 for 10% of any order of $40 or more. While you are there, don’t forget to checkout her pattern section. Every friday she offers a pattern for free download, so you are definitely going to want to follow her on instagram and facebook as well.




Hello all, and thank you for stopping by. Here at Veterans Stitch and Bitch, we strive to make yarn wishes come true for Military personnel and Veterans. The site is run by a disabled US Army Veteran, and is completely funded through donations from you. I know knitters and hookers are very generous groups of people and love sharing from their stash, and this is a wonderful way to support our military, but a small cash donation will get a very specific wish granted, such asa ball winder, swift or interchangeable needle set, as well as shipping.

If you want to support our military veterans in a way that is new and exciting, please click the donate button, no amount is too small.

Let’s show our veterans how strong our fibre loving, needle and hook toting selves can be, let’s grant these wishes today!

This is a place for veterans that knit and the people that support us! I want to ensure that we are putting out content that people are going to want to see, because this blog is for you! Please complete the poll below:

Before I go, do you store your yarn in skeins or caked up? Leave your response in the comments below.

Don’t forget to donate, so we can grant yarn wishes for veterans that knit!
